
Showing posts from September, 2021

5 Effective Time Management Tips For Entrepreneurs To Increase Productivity!

  Many young entrepreneurs often complain about not having enough hours in a day to achieve everything, but that is the half-truth. The problem is not with the day, but with the time-management skills that only a few people focus on. As an entrepreneur, the to-do list is always growing with multiple things getting added on daily basis. If you too feel the same problem then it is high time that you master the skill of managing your time. However, there is a catch! Not all time management strategies work out for everyone. Hence, you will need to get a broader view to figure out what will work for you and what isn`t. Every successful entrepreneur knows how crucial it is to manage time effectively. Though, everyone has their requirement and feasibility when it comes to time management, here is our list consisting of best time management tips for entrepreneurs below: 1.        List your Priority Tasks Begin your day by writing down the essential tasks that need to be completed in th

4 Ways Hiring A Business Coach Can Be Profitable For Startups!

From guiding young entrepreneurs to navigate through the maze of business dynamics to helping them maintaining a work-life balance, engaging a business coach is proving to be a winning move these days. Being an entrepreneur is not as easy as it may sound. Multiple departments need to be taken care of, and if you are a one-man army, the task can be gigantic. But a business coach can ease out the entire process and can help you with the industry. A business motivational coach is someone who has been in the industry for a very long time and has acquired good experience. Such an advisor can help you to take tough decisions and can advise you better in making a business plan for your startup.  Along with that, there are multiple other reasons why you must take the help of a business coach: 1.        Day-to-day Challenges Become Easy! Various business operations work in distinct ways which might confuse an entrepreneur who is trying to focus on multiple things in one go! A good b

4 Effective Ways To Communicate Your Brand To Consumers For Better Recall Value!

Do you have a startup that nobody knows about? Or are you struggling with low customer reach? If any of these questions resonate with your current business crisis, then maybe you are not able to create a value for your brand that connects your target customer with it. Today, customers lack trust in brands, so making your brand authentic and giving it a voice that gives out a clear message is a challenge that many entrepreneurs face in the market world. But, keeping your brand on the top is also essential to create a recall value. If you have an excellent market sense, you can learn creative ways to hone your skills by taking a business coaching program. Also, if you think you are doing everything right, but still falling short to make an impact on your customers, you can take help from the best motivational speaker in India . A great coach will help you to point at the loopholes of the marketing strategies. How you choose to communicate with your niche audience can have an imp

How To Create A Blog Post People Genuinely Want To Read?

  Whenever someone asks about money making ideas that can be started from home, blogging is the first thing that comes to mind. No matter whether you are a student, a housewife, an entrepreneur, or a social media influencer, blogging is an amazing idea to start a freelancing business as it does not need any investment. If you have a creative bent of mind and love to align words into a melodious story, then you can earn a good amount of money through blogging. However, to monetize your creative blog posts, it is important to consider few factors in mind. Unless people genuinely want to read your blog posts, you can`t monetize them. The average blogger spends around 60-90 minutes writing a 500-word blog post. That`s a lot of time spent on writing one creative blog which can go to waste if it doesn’t drive traffic and no one is reading it. Then how can you write a blog that will not only drive traffic but also money? Follow these tips to ensure that you are heading in the right

5 Mindset Traits That Every Successful Entrepreneurs Have!

  Life is uncertain and the pandemic has taught us it the hard way! Where many people lost their jobs, many small and large businesses had to shut down because of the pandemic. However, there have been many people who also transformed the adversity into a business opportunity. Many companies have joined the Unicorn league and are doing exceptionally well. Inspired, many individuals want to start their own small startup business as they have creative money making ideas . But at the same time being your boss may sound amazing, but starting a startup is more than just saying “I am running my own business and being my boss”. To be a successful entrepreneur, you need to have that entrepreneurial mindset that will allow you to succeed in this day and age. If you thought that you need to pursue management courses from a recognized university charging you a bomb, you are mistaken! All you need to do is reflect and know yourself first along with some of these traits we are mentioning bel

5 Motivational Quotes To Fuel Your Entrepreneurial Dream!

  To become a successful entrepreneur, setting goals is the first step. To accomplish anything meaningful in our lives, everyone needs to set a clear objective. And as it is only four months to the onset of 2022, it is time to make new resolutions and goals and work upon them to prepare ourselves for the year ahead. To keep you motivated, we thought that it would be incredibly fitting to compile a list of some of the best quotes and our favorites that will keep your spirits uplifted for the New Year. These powerful quotes by some of the most influential will always remind you not only of the importance of setting goals but also why did you make them in the first place. Here is a list of 5 of our favorite quotes that exude power, persistence, and perseverance: 1.        Vision is Essential "None can destroy iron, but its rust can. Likewise, none can destroy a person but his mindset can." – Ratan Tata An amazing quote said by none other than the most admirable and respected ind

Bada Business’ Webinar On ’40 Low-cost Marketing Ideas’ Makes 7th Guinness World Record!

“Your brand is not when you appreciate it, but when your customers appreciate it with all their hearts.” We all must have heard about this line multiple times in the business world. Probably this is the millionth time you are reading it again in this article. Though the large organization has understood the importance of good marketing tactics, small business owners often struggle to put aside a budget. To empower small business owners, Dr. Vivek Bindra conducted a webinar “Marketing ka Makakumbh- 40 Low-Cost Marketing Ideas” on August 15, 2021. This webinar was not just an ordinary webinar. It was also his seventh attempt to create his 7 th Guinness World Record. Earlier this year in June, he had created his 6 th GWR record on “ Business Yoga with Bhagavad Gita ”. Despite the pandemic challenges that the entire nation faced in 2021, Dr. Vivek Bindra, who is the CEO and Founder of Edtech startup Bada Business Pvt Ltd continued to do fantastic work of educating, skilling, hand-hol

3 Eco-friendly Low-Investment Business Ideas You Can Start Now!

Do you want to start a startup business that makes money but at the same time wants to give something back to this planet and society? The waste management problem in India needs no mention; the mounting landfills speak volumes about the deteriorating health of our environment. Garbage disposal is one of the major challenges that India is facing currently. While some of the garbage is biodegradable, other substances like plastic can take around 1000 years to decompose. Many people often advocate the prohibition of certain products. However, it is difficult to replace them in daily life and hence, their disposal after fulfillment is inevitable. So if you want to start your venture, we can give you the best –friendly small business ideas to start. These businesses upcycle and recycle waste products to create commercially viable products. 1.        Upcycled Furniture Furniture is an integral part of every home, and this is one of the reasons why it is a great avenue for upcycling

Top 3 Common SEO Mistakes Most Entrepreneurs Make & How to Avoid Them!

As a small business owner reaching customers to boost sales is the major goal. Many entrepreneurs often forget about building an online presence via SEO activities. Most often than not, MSME business owners do not take SEO activities seriously and consider them as a liability. But optimizing your website and content according to the guidelines of the search engines can fetch high traffic to your business. One of the major reasons behind it is that they have seen many organizations struggling with search engine optimization activities. However, what they don`t realize is that many small startup businesses jump over few SEO guidelines that are crucial to yield great results. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) serves as a critical tool that ensures that your business gains an edge and remains competitive while capturing the right audience. Here is the list of three common SEO mistakes that small to medium-sized businesses often make—and how you can avoid repeating them. 1.       

5 लाख तक के निवेश में शुरू होने वाले Franchise Business

  स्टार्टअप बिजनेस के लिए व्यापारी अक्सर बेहतर बिजनेस प्लान और अच्छी रणनीतियों को शुरुआत से ही शामिल कर चलता है. साथ ही कुछ ऐसे स्टार्टअप बिजनेस प्लान की भी तलाश करता है, जिनकी शुरुआत कम बजट में की जा सके. कम निवेश में शुरू होने वाले बिजनेस की लिस्ट में वैसे तो बहुत से बिजनेस शामिल हैं, लेकिन उन में नए आंत्रप्रेन्योर्स को कई दूसरी दिक्कतें भी आती है. इसलिए फ्रेंचाइज़ी बिजनेस एक ऐसा बिजनेस है, जो कम निवेश में शुरू भी किया जा सकता है और साथ ही व्यापारी को अच्छी बिजनेस रणनीतियाँ भी ब्रांड की ओर से मिल जाती है. भारत में ऐसे बहुत से फ्रेंचाइज़ी बिजनेस   हैं, जिनकी शुरुआत केवल पांच लाख तक के निवेश के साथ की जा सकती है. चलिए आज के इस लेख में हम आपको कुछ ऐसे ही फ्रेंचाइज़ी बिजनेस के बारे में बताने जा रहे हैं, जिनकी शुरुआत आप कर सकते हैं और कमाई का अच्छा अवसर उत्पन्न कर सकते हैं. 1.     फूड बिजनेस फ्रेंचाइज़ी (Food Business Franchise) ऐसे कम ही बिजनेस होते हैं, जो सीजनल बिजनेस की लिस्ट में शुमार होते हैं. फूड बिजनेस ऐसा ही बिजनेस है, जिसका कोई सीजन नहीं होता है और इसे अगर अच्छी रिसर्च के

5 Marketing Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make That Can Damage Business

Entrepreneurship is not easy, especially when it comes to making a marketing strategy for your startup business . Entrepreneurs learn new things by analyzing the market trend and what works for their brand. Despite, all the analysis and statistics, they tend to make mistakes. Many mistakes most of the time that looks massive, end up being temporary setbacks. However, some mistakes may prove fatal for a startup business plan. These mistakes arise only when entrepreneurs exhibit a fundamental misunderstanding of best marketing practices. So if you are an entrepreneur and looking to avoid marketing mistakes that you must avoid, here is a list: 1.        IGNORING THE BRAND Your brand serves as the foundation of your business identity. It acts as a connecting link between your small startup business and your customers. Hence, if you try to market your business without a brand, you might have to taste the dust. When people see your logo, your tagline, or pick up on your brand`s ton